Thu 15 Mar 2007
Networking II
Posted by Kim Schiefer under China Business, experiences in China, Olympics 2008
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In China you always get business cards. You visit a networking event and one day later you do not know anymore, which business card belongs to which person. When you get Chinese business cards, you sometimes even don’t know, if the person was male or female.
- never throw a business card away – you never know, when it will become useful.
- after an event, write down all useful data – gender, important details of the talk, when did you meet this person, at which event, the nationality….
- if you had an interesting talk, it is probably a good idea to write a short email to the person the next day, tell him how happy you are, that you met him and send him further information about your company – don’t wait too long with this email.
Another important advice for business events: never sign up too late, espacially, when the topic is interesting – the event may be fully booked early.